Custom Lightning component
Customer expectations in the marketplace fly sky high, leading to unstable customer interaction with a high churn rate. Moreover, every company is addressing how it interacts with its customers to preserve and improve customer interaction.So we came up with a solution for sending email from Salesforce with the custom lightning component which can be used anywhere, on any object in the salesforce organization.
What is the problem?
- URL hack is possible in Salesforce classic, but not in lightning experience for Email fields pre-populations
- We cannot add new custom lookup fields for contact/lead in standard email composing page
- We can not populate email addresses, subject and body based on certain criteria
- Auto-populate or auto-selection of Email templates not possible based on criteria
- The custom lightning component provides the existing functionality and also provides some additional functionality
- From address and To address can be auto-populated based on user needs(Ex: From address can be populated based on user role)
- Users are able to select email templates based on user needs, auto-populate the template content based on criteria.
- Functionality to add Attachments and able to remove
- This can be used in any object and can be incorporated with any component
- This component also works as stand-alone and but still, emails can be linked to any related record using custom lookup fields
Custom Lightning component

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