
Data Mask in Salesforce

Salesforce Data Mask is an effective tool for administrators and developers that
hides sensitive data in sandboxes.

Data Mask employs platform-native encryption technologies to cover up sensitive
data in full or partial sandbox environments. You can set different levels of masking based
on the sensitivity of the data.

Data Mask is a managed package that you install and set up in an Unlimited or
Enterprise production org after purchasing the Data Mask User permission set licenses. You
then perform the masking procedure from any sandbox the production organization
generates. The masking technique allows you to conceal some or all sensitive data while
ensuring that it is not reproduced in a readable or recognizable format in another

Make Your Data Random

When you mark fields for replacement using random characters, Data Mask
transforms sensitive, readable sandbox data into random data. For example, if you replace
the First Name, Last Name, and Email Address fields in the Contact object with random
characters, then an entry such as Guruprasad, in production would
transform into fjff yrsnff, in a sandbox.

Replace Data with Recognised Values.

When you use library values to identify fields for replacement, Data Mask converts sensitive, readable sandbox data into random but identifiable data using proprietary libraries installed in the managed package. For example, if you replace the Contact object’s First Name, Last Name, and Email Address fields with library values, Guruprasad,, becomes Dwayne Johnson, The field types remain unchanged, thus any business processes that rely on certain data types will continue to function appropriately.

Delete your data.

When you mark fields for deletion, Data Mask converts sensitive, viewable sandbox
data to empty sets. For example, imagine you eliminate the Manager Feedback free-form
text field from a custom object. On this delicate note, Arun has expressed his dissatisfaction
over his peer, Prasanth, borrowing his stapler and failing to return it. is peeled away, leaving
an empty field in the sandbox. This transformation is the most computationally efficient
technique to remove private data from the sandbox.