
LWC’s Ad-Free YouTube Video Search

Specialization :

  • Any Videos can be searched directly and be viewed in the salesforce org.
  • The video can be viewed even on the full screen.
  • And it supports upto 4K video Quaility and it is ad-free.

Step 1 :

  • Go to and create a seperate project for the generating of the youtube Api.
  • Then go to the credential section on the project we created and Click on the “Create Credienties” section and copy the key generated.
get key from google console

Step 2 :

  • Then get the base url from google apis
  • Then check the response in the browser by creating the link (base url + parameter + key generated + query)
  • Eg : enter key you generated&type=video&q=enter the video you want
  • We can get the response as all the videos that we want.

Step 3 :

  • Now create a new LWC component to fetch the response from the constructed link
  • In the Lightning Web Component place a input field to get the video name and pass that as a query to filter video.
  • And set the base url link as trusted link.
salesforce access to google


JS :

  • The “gettheVideo” method is called when the user is entered the video to be searched.
  • In the fetch method the the response is collected for the Link we constructed and the response is collected in the List.
  • And the response is iterated and collected all the video ids embedded to the youtube link
  • And stored in the List and passed to HTML.
import {
} from 'lwc';
export default class YoutubePreviewController extends LightningElement {
    initialQueryForVideo = '';
    srcLink = '';
    video = '';
    videoData = [];
    handleVideoChange(e) {
        this.initialQueryForVideo = '';
        this.initialQueryForVideo =;
    handleSearch(e) {
    gettheVideo() {
        const apiKey = 'enter the generated key on google console';
        let videoAssignData = [];
        const calloutURI = '' + apiKey + '&type=video&part=snippet&maxResults=10&q=' + this.initialQueryForVideo;
        fetch(calloutURI, {
                method: "GET"
            }).then((response) => response.json())
            .then(repos => {
                let jsonval = repos;
                jsonval.items.forEach(item => {
                        let videoObj = {};
                        let srcLink = "" +;
                        videoObj['id'] =;
                        videoObj['videoLink'] = srcLink;
                this.videoData = Object.assign([], videoAssignData);


  • Iterate the List prepared on the JS on HTML
  • Provide the video link as the source link to iframe and preview the video.
  <div class="slds-grid slds-gutters slds-m-bottom_medium">
     <div class="slds-col slds-size_2-of-3">
           <lightning-input type="text" placeholder="Search a video" onchange={handleVideoChange} value={initialQueryForVideo}></lightning-input>
     <div class="slds-col slds-size_1-of-3 slds-m-top_medium">
        <button class="slds-button slds-button_success" onclick={handleSearch}>
  <template for:each={videoData} for:item="video">
     <div key={}>
        <iframe height="250" width="250" src={video.videoLink} allowfullscreen></iframe>
add lwc component to utility bar

After entering the Video to be searched :

search video

On clicking on a video it will be provide on the screen and it can be viewed even on the full screen.