
Muting Permission Sets on Permission Set Groups?

A permission set group includes all of the permissions from the permission sets it contains, and a permission set can be included in many permission set groups. The option to incorporate permission sets in multiple permission set groups provides significant flexibility. . However, what if you just want to provide some of the permissions in a permission set to members of a permission set group? 

Muting allows you to customize a permission-set group by muting or deactivating individual permissions. To mute a permission, add it to a muting permission set within the permission set group you've chosen. When you mute a permission in a permission set group, it only affects the users of the permission set group, not those assigned directly to a permission set outside of the permission set group. As a result, muting provides a great deal of freedom when designing your permissions structure.

Scenario 1:

The XYZ company has a team of Customer Service Executives and managers. The admin has created permission sets to grant Read, View All, Edit, Modify All, and Delete permissions to Cases, Case Comments, and Issue Details objects. So, Executives and Managers can now do the mentioned actions on those mentioned custom objects.  

The administrator also created permission-set groups. He used permission set groups to group the permission sets and assign them to the Customer Service Executive user. Managers' permission settings have been assigned directly to them.  

As part of the upgraded requirements, the admin wants to cut off the Delete, View All, and Modify All access for the Customer Service Executive users only.


We can create a muting permission set within the permission set groups. So, by using it, we can remove permissions that are no longer required for Customer Service Executives. The permission set group's muting permission set does not affect permissions granted directly through permission set groups.

  • On Permission Set Groups. You can find the Permissions Sets and Muting Permission Set.
  • On Permission Set, Add the needed permission sets to be added to the group.
  • On Muting Permission Set, Create a new Permission Set to Disable access among those granted via Permission Sets.
  • On Muting Permission Set, Mute the Permissions On Case Object under object settings.