Use case:
We have a particular milestone kept for each user in our organization and we need to inform them of their progress in an attractive and user-friendly way.
A progress bar with milestone indicators can be a highly effective solution for such use cases. By incorporating backend functionality for each milestone or progress point, we can enhance the interactivity and functionality of the solution.
A basic one would look like below:
You can add more functionalities to this simple progress bar to make it user-friendly and attractive at the same time.
You can change the colors or add different functionalities at each checkpoint so that it would be easy for users to understand.
Let’s make it more interesting by adding an animation to the progress bar.
You would have noticed that one can also see the progress in percentage below. One could even add a toast or a completed email or any such functionalities at any milestone completed or reached.
Code Block:
max-width: 95% !important;
min-width: 95% !important;
//Styles for the progress bar icons
--sds-c-icon-color-foreground-default: #2e844a;
--sds-c-icon-color-background: #ffffff;
.default-icon,.choice-icon {
--sds-c-icon-color-foreground-default: #1ab9ff;
--sds-c-icon-color-background: #ffffff;
.error-icon {
--sds-c-icon-color-background: #ffffff;
<div class="slds-card slds-p-around_x-large">
<div class="slds-progress slds-p-around_none progress-width">
<!--Progrss bar icon setup-->
<ol class="slds-progress__list">
<template for:each={markerDetails} for:item="checkpoint">
<li class="" key={count}>
class="slds-button slds-button_icon slds-progress__marker slds-progress__marker_icon"
title={checkpoint.iconName} data-name={checkpoint.iconName} >
<span class="slds-assistive-text">{checkpoint.iconName}</span>
<!--Progrss bar setup-->
<div class="slds-progress-bar slds-progress-bar_small" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"
aria-valuenow={currentDocPercentage} aria-label="Label" role="progressbar">
<span class="slds-progress-bar__value" style={singleDocPercentStyle}>
<span class="slds-assistive-text">Progress: {currentDocPercentage}</span>
<!--Message section-->
<div class="slds-align_absolute-center"><div class="slds-text-title_caps slds-p-vertical_medium">Percentage completed: {currentDocPercentage}%</div></div>
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';
export default class ProgressBarLwc extends LightningElement {
currentDocPercentage = 0;
//Sets the value of the progress
singleDocPercentStyle = 'width:0%';
//Simple set up for the icon, this can be made dynamic
markerDetails = [
{ iconName: 'Checkpoint 1', iconClass: 'success-icon'},
{ iconName: 'Checkpoint 2', iconClass: 'choice-icon'},
{ iconName: 'Checkpoint 3', iconClass: 'error-icon'}
//onclick event that is fired on clicking the icons
this.currentDocPercentage = 0; //Initial width of the progress bar
this.singleDocPercentStyle = `width:${this.currentDocPercentage}%`;
//Animation setup
setTimeout(() => {
let intervalID = setInterval(() => {
//Set at 100% to stop the animation, needs to be modified as you need to work at different checkpoints
if (this.currentDocPercentage === 100) {
} else {
}, 30);//this sets the speed of the animation
}, 10);
const animate = () => {
//This increases the value of the progressbar and by using the animation we slow down the progress
this.singleDocPercentStyle = `width:${this.currentDocPercentage}%`;
setTimeout(() => {
this.singleDocPercentStyle = `width:${this.currentDocPercentage}%`;
}, 10100);